Publishing and Deploying

Does Knowledgeworker Create support the Standard Experience API (xAPI)?
Yes. Knowledgeworker Create supports the Experience API. You can deliver courses through the standard Experience API. After publishing, you can perform in-...
Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 11:02 AM
How do I publish a course with Experience API (xAPI) support?
If you want to evaluate the learning experience in detail, you can publish courses with support for data collection using the standard Experience API (xAPI)...
Mon, 2 Jan, 2023 at 5:21 PM
Share content easily with background exports
Don't actively wait for content you want to share. Knowledgeworker Create provides quick access to ongoing and completed exports with the My Packages ov...
Mon, 18 Mar, 2024 at 10:24 AM