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In this article, you will learn how to connect and analyze courses created with the authoring tool Knowledgeworker Create using Google Analytics.

The Basics

When you publish a Knowledgeworker Create course, you can analyze its usage with Google Analytics. The prerequisite for this is that you have set up your Google Analytics via the Google Tag Manager. So, make sure that you have configured a tag in Google Tag Manager with your desired Google Analytics settings. You can find instructions here: Set up Google Analytics in Tag Manager

Configuring Google Tag Manager ID in the Course

In Knowledgeworker Create, you can now add your Google Tag Manager ID to each course. This is the interface to view the data in Google Analytics.

  1. Open the course and switch to edit mode by clicking the pencil icon.Icon: Pencil
  2. In the sitemap, click Course in the header area to focus on the course. A new tab Course will appear on the right side.
  3. Enter your Google Tag Manager ID under Data Protection, Imprint & Tracking.
    Field for Google Tag Manager ID in Data Protection, Imprint & Tracking
  4. Publish the course and check the integration in your Google Analytics dashboard.

You don’t have an authoring tool for creating online courses yet? Learn how to create interactive learning content with Knowledgeworker Create.