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Learn in this article how to publish a course created with Knowledgeworker Create as a file in Portable Document Format (PDF). 

PDF Support

Knowledgeworker Create supports the delivery of courses as documents in the widely used PDF format, making them available on digital reading devices and as a printable file.

Before you start

Make sure you have created a course that is ready for publication as a PDF. Find the desired course using the search function, for example, and select Open. 

Ensure that the content and settings displayed meet your expectations. Knowledgeworker Create interactions and questions are converted into pedagogically meaningful forms in PDF documents. However, some interactive elements, such as videos and embedded HTML5 media, can only be reproduced in PDF documents to a limited extent.

Ensure that the language to be provided is fully translated.

Exporting a course as PDF

Creating a PDF document

  1. Find the course you want to publish.
  2. Select Share. A window will open with various options for sharing and information about existing publications.
  3. Select the PDF option (for learners or authors and reviewers).
  4. Select the desired language.
  5. Select Export. The PDF document will be created. This process may take several minutes.

Downloading the PDF document

  1. Wait until the PDF document is available.
  2. Select Save as File.
  3. The document will be downloaded and saved to your computer.
  4. If the automatic download did not work, select Download to download the package.

Don't have an authoring tool for creating online courses yet? Learn how to create interactive learning content with Knowledgeworker Create.