When exporting a course, Knowledgeworker Create checks the licence types of the media used to ensure they are suitable for publication. This means that in the export dialog, you will receive a notification (triangle icon with an exclamation mark) if one or more media have the licence "Database licence, purchased by chemmedia" assigned. Media with this licence type have been licenced by chemmedia AG and may only be used and published in trainings created by chemmedia AG. This icon serves as a notification during the export process, but it does not affect the export.

Export dialog in Knowledgeworker Create with an icon in the form of a gray triangle with an exclamation mark

In addition to the notification during the export, you will find the following information about this licence type for media in Knowledgeworker Create:


In the media editor of the respective media, the following text is displayed with a colored background: "The licence 'Database license, purchased by chemmedia' of this media asset may not be suitable for publishing." You can also find the licence type of the media in the Media Credits of the respective course.

Filter option in media search

On the left side, you will find the options for media assets: Licence ("Database license, purchased by chemmedia") and Licence Acceptance ("Not accepted"). 


An icon in the form of a red exclamation mark can be found for media at various locations in Knowledgeworker Create. Hovering over it displays the message: "The licence 'Database license, purchased by chemmedia' of this media asset may not be suitable for publishing."

  • In the course information: Open the course information via More. In the Media Assets tab, you will find all the media of the course. Here you can also see which learning objective and Sharable Content Object they are linked to.
  • In the media library
  • In the media search

Screenshot of a media in the course search with an icon in the form of a red exclamation mark

This way, you can already see during the course creation whether a media asset is suitable for publication.