Professional translations rely on glossaries and translation memories. Knowledgeworker Create enables the use of your own translation service, helping you translate content into your organization's specific language.

When is integrating your own translation service worthwhile?

The advantage of having your own translation service lies in the stored information about your organization's language. Translation services store translations for individual words or phrases, for example, in glossaries and translation memories. If you have built an extensive database that should be used for all of your organization's content, it makes sense to integrate your translation service into Knowledgeworker Create.

Integrating your translation service into Knowledgeworker Create can be particularly beneficial if you are using a web service like Microsoft Translator, Google Translate, or DeepL.

Integrating your own translation service

If you want to integrate your service into Knowledgeworker Create, contact our support. Let us know which service you are using, and we will work with you to determine the next steps.