If you forgot your password and cannot log in to Knowledgeworker Create you can use the password-reset or contact your administrator.

Before you start

Open a web browser and make sure that you are connected to the internet. If you cannot open Knowledgeworker Create, fix your internet connection first.

Make sure that you have your Knowledgeworker Create username or the email of your account.

Use the password-reset option to set a new password

You can use the password-reset option to resolve your login issue.

Request a new password

  1. Open the Knowledgeworker Create link in your web browser and wait for the login screen to load.
  2. Click the Forgot your password? link.
  3. You will be asked to enter your username or email to request a new password. Enter one of those option in the text field.
  4. Click the Request password button.
  5. If the username or email exists, an email will be sent to you. Check your emails and open the Knowledgeworker Create password recovery mail. Click the password recovery link in the email.