In this article, you will learn about the possibilities of video subtitles in VTT format and how they can be integrated into Knowledgeworker Coach.

Videos in Knowledgeworker Coach

In Knowledgeworker Coach, the use of videos is possible in the "Behavior" layout.

You can store videos in two areas: 

  • Videos for individual statements in the Training section: In the scenario tree, you can select individual statements. The corresponding options will appear on the right side of the screen. Under Media, upload the video files that will be displayed for this statement.
  • Videos in the Media tab in the Preview section: The videos uploaded here apply to the entire scenario and are shown to learners depending on the prevailing mood during the the scenario's progression. They will be overwritten for individual statements if separate videos are stored.

Media tab with video and subtitle file

The VTT Format

The VTT format (WebVTT - Web Video Text Tracks) is the standard format for subtitles on websites. In addition to information about timecodes and the corresponding text, VTT files can also contain comments and metadata. Unlike the older SRT format, it also supports advanced features such as colors, fonts, positioning, and text alignment.

Embedding Video Subtitles

  1. First, upload the video file
  2. After uploading, the "Subtitles" option will appear under the video.
  3. Add the corresponding subtitle file in VTT format for the video. 

Please note that a separate subtitle file can only be stored for video files, as the display of video streams depends on the settings of the external website.

Media option for a statement with selection field for subtitles