As the operator of your Knowledgeworker Share system, you are required to provide legal information to your users. This includes, in particular:

- Your imprint

- Your privacy policy

Navigate to the settings to specify the following:

Legal Information

Here you can enter legal notices for your users, e.g., reference the privacy policy or directly explain which data is collected and why.

System settings

Your legal information will be presented to the user upon first login or registration and must be confirmed by them before they can use the system. The confirmation is stored so that you can prove the user's consent to data processing at any time.

We have compiled all technical information on data collection, processing, and storage in the privacy policy for Knowledgeworker Share: 

You are welcome to use this information for your own privacy policy. However, please check if you process the data outside the system, as additional information may be required. 

Please have your privacy policy reviewed by your legal counsel. We cannot and do not provide legal advice and cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of our template. 

In case of changes, you can decide whether the users need to confirm the legal information again. Each confirmation of the legal information by your users is stored in the system and can be viewed through the "Legal Information" report:

Report Dashboard for Legal Information

The report shows which user accepted, rejected, or revoked which version of the legal information and when: 

Legal Information Report

Please ensure that your legal information is provided in all languages used in the system: 

System Settings Languages

Under the text field, you will find tips for possible formatting options, such as how to highlight important information or insert URLs to other pages.

Please remember to activate the legal information using the "Activate Legal Information" slider.

Login Notice

Here you can define which information your users will see on the login page of your system. We recommend linking at least your imprint and privacy policy.

Please remember to activate the login notice using the "Activate Login Notice" slider.

Settings with login notice in the text field:

System Settings Login Notice

Output of the login notice on the home page (user login):

Login notice on the homepage