What is meta data?

Meta data is structured information that describes data about other data and makes it easier to find, manage and use.

Using meta data for courses

Two types of meta data can be stored in Knowledgeworker Create:

  • Common meta data: This refers to higher-level information about the course or learners.
  • Meta data of current language: This is specific to the respective language version and can be used, for example, for standard texts in the user interface.

As soon as the meta data is stored in the system, it is displayed in the course settings in the Meta Data tab.

Screenshot Course settings with Meta Data tab

Meta data can also be linked to specific elements in the course in order to control the display and availability of content.

Screenshot Use of metadata within the course editor

Finished content can be exported multiple times with different meta data. This allows you to tailor courses to the desired target groups directly during export and make sure learners receive content fitting their needs.  

Feel free to contact us with an inquiry if you are planning to use meta data for your learning content or need advice on the individual application options.

In this course, you will learn how the display of content can be controlled using specific data.