The topic of reuse plays an important role in Knowledgeworker Create. Questions can be reused in various courses, regardless of whether the courses are written in formal or informal language.

For a course, the language variant (either formal or informal) is set via the layout theme and mainly affects automatic system texts, in which learners are addressed directly.

The question editor is independent of the course layout. Standard texts in the question editor, such as question feedback, are provided in the formal format:

Screenshot of the question editor with question feedback in formal address.

To avoid having a mix of informal and formal address in your courses, you can adjust questions as follows:

  • Do not display question feedback: If you do not need the question feedback because learners receive feedback in other ways, such as answer-related feedback or the overall evaluation, you can disable showing it in the settings on the right-hand side of the Create editor.
    Screenshot of question configuration in Knowledgeworker Create with the option to display question feedback disabled
  • Manually adjust question feedback: You can word the question feedback informally in the question editor or in a neutral way, such as "The question was answered correctly".