The relevance setting for individual content elements determines whether these elements influence learning progress and are therefore included in the course completion.

How to check relevance settings

You can decide for entire sections of content or for each interactive element individually whether this content is relevant. You can find the corresponding setting in the editor on the right-hand side in the "Relevance" part.


"Include in progress" checkbox (activated by default)

The entire section is recorded for progress, learners must edit it.

  • The section will be counted as visited if its start and end have been seen and all relevant elements contained within have been completed (activated by default)

If you want your learners to complete the course content in full, no change to this setting is necessary.

  • The section will be counted as visited if its start and end have been seen

Interaction elements contained in the section, such as flipcards or buttons, do not have to be clicked for the section to be considered visited. This selection is automatically transferred to the contained elements.

Interactive elements

If the course contains optional information or voluntary exercises that can be clicked by interested learners but are not mandatory for course completion, you can mark the associated elements as not relevant. 

Effect on progress and display for learners

If the course does not contain scored quiz questions, 100% of the relevant content must be seen automatically for successful course completion (customer-specific configurations are possible).

Learners can see how to successfully complete the course at the top of the course menu. The display of learning progress is indicated by checkmarks in the table of contents, among other things. 

If there is no checkmark yet, either not all relevant content in the chapter has been visited or any scored quiz questions have not yet been successfully completed. 

Overall Evaluation

You can find out how the relevance settings affect the overall evaluation element in this article.