Knowledgeworker Create offers you an integration with Pixabay. With this, you can select suitable images from Pixabay directly via the media search and insert them into your learning content.

Most images from Pixabay are available for free, commercial use. The current license terms can be found here:

Some images that depict well-known people or branded products, for example, are, however, only released for editorial use. This is how you can easily check which license applies to your selected image:

The image from Pixabay in the example has already been included in a Knowledgeworker Create content. Click the small pencil on the right to edit the media asset. The media edit form opens in a new window.

Preview Image in Knowledgeworker Create Content Editor

Scroll down to the Access Rights section. There you will find the direct link to the media in Pixabay. Type the link into your browser.

Preview Media edit form

To the right of the image you can see that this image is released for editorial use only.

Preview image in Pixabay with licensing information

Be sure to check if the image is suitable for your purpose before publishing your content and maintain the restricted license in the Knowledgeworker Create media asset library accordingly. Unfortunately, automated retrieval on the part of Knowledgeworker Create is not supported by Pixabay.

Are you already using another media database in your company?

We would be happy to check if we can integrate it with Knowledgeworker Create, so you can select images directly from it.