Logo Knowledgeworker Create

In this article, you will learn how to log in to the authoring tool Knowledgeworker Create.  

Prerequisite: Registered Account

Visit the Knowledgeworker Create URL using the web browser of your choice. Most of the time, this is create.knowledgeworker.com. Before you can log in to Knowledgeworker Create, you need a registered account. Don’t have access yet? Obtain it for your organization via the Knowledgeworker website or through direct agreements with our sales team.

Basic steps for logging in

  1. Open Knowledgeworker Create in the browser.
  2. In the login section, enter your username and personal password.
  3. Click Login to access your user account.
  4. If enabled, after password verification, a second confirmation using a one-time password (OTP) will follow to provide an extra layer of security.

Common login issues and their solutions

Don’t have an authoring tool for creating online courses yet? Learn how to create interactive learning content with Knowledgeworker Create.